Express Yourself project


  1. what I appreciated most about this essay is that is it was concise, consistent and passionate.It's obvious from the positive image that she conveyed that it takes alot of hard work and an endless desire to learn a language; but learning english in particular is pprospectful and empowering.

  2. Good work Rabeb . I really do love wat you've said , and i hve found something which is very important in your essay you hve a strong desire to accomplish the dream of yours . Not to mention your english skills is gettin' improved without ur knownin' , in other word , you unleashed the hidden power of yours . Dont give up and dnt let it go . By doin' all this you can the perfect person at wat you do . You've reached this level thanksto the hard working you've been doing since you choose the english langauge as your speciality . So do i , i cant say i've done it all . Bcoz , i still havin' alot of things to do in english langauge field . The final word would be feed me more

    1. Thank u, I realy appreciate your encouragement to me and I won't give up because English has changed my life since I start learning it, I love it and I'll keep doing that I wish u all best in learning English. You seem fond of english so keep doing it.

  3. i understood your message, and i agree with you.
    In your draft, there are many mistakes. The structure is incorrect; when you write first, you have to continue using second, third... Your ideas are not well organised, you start with an idea and you continue talking about it in another paragraph.
    you know, since you love English i am sure you will improve your skills in English and you will be the best one day, trust me. Good luck.

    1. Yes actually I've realised some mistakes when I read it over and over again and I'm doing my best to improve it I hope it will be better in 2nd draft.

  4. Hi Rabeb. It's good to see someone as motivated to learn as you are, and I thank you for submitting this. It's true that there are a few minor grammatical mistakes, but what interests me more is the learning model you reference at the end. Could you possibly elaborate on that? Perhaps you can provide an example of how your experience follows this model. How have the technological resources at ISLAIN enriched your learning, and what teachings methods have really helped you?

    1. Hi Mr.Michael, yes I agree with you about the model and I'll try to develop some ideas about it I hope my 2nd draft will be void of mistakes.I'll try my best to do that.


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